learn to read at home with

Reading Ready Mama

Helping parents teach their child to read everyday with the five foundations.

Foundation Areas

Children need to work in the five areas consistently to grow as a reader.


Phonemic Awareness

The ability to hear sounds in words.



The ability to connect sounds to letters.



Understanding what words mean.



Reading smoothly, with expression.



Understanding what you read

Individualized Learning

Every child is different, and many students can not keep up with the pace of classroom learning. If you feel your child is struggling in the classroom, let us help you develop an individual plan for your child.

Individual Learning Plan

Let us help you develop an individualized reading plan for your child.

Critical Assessments

We can asses your child and create a unique plan for his/her reading needs.


Unleash their full potential with free resources

Check out our FREE resources under the “free” tab on the menu. Whether it’s mom, dad, or grandma, we have a step-by-step guide to teach you how to help your child read at home.

Simple pricing, for everyone.

As a dedicated education partner,
we offer comprehensive support in delivering efficient and visually captivating learning experiences.

Tutoring Sessions

Individual sessions that are planned for your child based on his/her assessment.




Secure online payments

Expert tutor

Personalized guidance

Unlock endless potential with personalized education. One monthly 30 minute session to help you teach your child.




Flexible payment options

Expert tutor

Premium support


Achieve academic success by knowing what skills your child needs to succeed.


per assessment


This reading assessment will come with a detailed report for you to give to your child’s school. It will also help place your child within our program.

All pricing is in USD. You can cancel your account at any time. 
All renewals are at full price.